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基于 Fortran 程序的某水库大坝渗流稳定有限元分析

 Finite Element Analysis of Seepage Stability in a Reservoir Dam Based on Fortran Program

晃亮 1 HUANG Liang 杨玉玲 2 YANG Yu-ling 
邱居华1 QU Ju-hua 邓苏苏3 DENG Su-su 朱鹏 1 ZHU Peng
(1三明市明兴水利水电勘察设计有限公司湖北分公司,宜昌 443000;
2宜昌市夷陵区小溪塔街道农业农村服务中心,宜昌 443100;3三峡大学,宜昌 443000)
(1Sanming Mingxing Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Co.,Ltd. Hubei Branch,Yichang 443000,China;2Agricultural and Rural Service Center,Xiaoxita Street,Yiling District,Yichang City,Yichang 443100,China;3China Three Gorges University,Yichang 443000,China)
摘要:水库大坝的渗流稳定状态是水库大坝安全管理至关重要的部分,同时是水库大坝安全评价与除险加固的基础。为保证水库大坝的安全运行,针对水库大坝渗流稳定计算分析问题,以某水库均质土坝为研究对象,采用 Fortran 程序建立非线性有限单元的模型,对水库大坝渗流稳定计算。结果表明,各工况下大坝下游坝坡逸出点的最大水力坡降均小于允许坡降,浸润线均低于于下游反滤排水设施,大坝渗流安全;各工况下大坝各滑带的抗滑稳定安全系数,均大于规范允许值,满足规范要求。研究成果对其他水库大坝的安全评价与除险加固有指导意义。
Abstract: The steady state of seepage in reservoir dams is a crucial part of reservoir dam safetymanagement, and it is also the basis for reservoir dam safety evaluation and risk elimination and reinforcement. In order to ensure the safe operation of the reservoir dam, aimingat the problem of calculation and analysis of the seepage stability of the reservoir dam, a homogeneou s earth dam of a certain reservoir was taken as the research object, and the Fortran program was used to establish a nonlinear finite element model to calculate the seepage stability of the reservoir dam. The results show that under each working condition, the maximum hydraulic gradient at the escape point of the downstream dam slope is less than the allowable gradient, and the infiltration line is lower than the downstream reverse filter drainage facility. The seepage of the dam is safe; under each working condition, the maximum hydraulic gradient of the dam is The anti-skid stability
safety factor of the sliding belt is greater than the allowable value of the specification and meets the specification requirements. The research results have guiding significance for the safety evaluation and risk elimination of other reservoirs and dams.
关键词:水库大坝;渗流稳定;Fortran 程序;有限元分析
Key words: reservoir dam;seepage and stability;Fortran program;finite element analysis
中图分类号:TV223.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2025)01-124-04 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-4311.2025.01.038


