Influential maximization research of LT model based on BP neural network
张凯伦1 汪超2 王璐1
Zhang Karen 1 Wang Chao 2 Wang Lu 1
(1.安徽工业大学,马鞍山市 243002)
(2.安徽工程大学,芜湖市 241000 )
(1.Anhui University of Technology,Ma’anshan 243002,China)
(2.Anhui Polytechnic University,Wuhu 241000,China)
Abstract: The main goal of the influence maximization problem is to tap the top k-users in the social network in terms of influence to maximize the effectiveness of the influence. To improve the accuracy of identifying users, an influence maximization algorithm based on BP neural network is proposed. The algorithm was based on a data-driven approach using BP neural networks to optimize the prediction model and used an improved salps optimization algorithm to identify valid nodes. Experimental results in an artificial BA network showed that this algorithm outperformed several other influence optimization algorithms.
关键词:影响力最大化 社交网络 数据驱动 优化算法
Key words: Influence maximization Social Network Data-driven Optimization algorithm
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