Dynamic scheduling of continuous casting machine with molten uncertainty constraint
宋余琴Song Yuqin
(安徽工业大学管理科学与工程学院 安徽 马鞍山 243032)
(School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Anhui Maanshan 243032)
Abstract: The most common disturbance in the steelmaking-continuous casting (SCC) process is the failure of the continuous caster. The existing redistribution model for continuous caster failures lacks consideration of steel uncertainty, so this paper addresses this problem by developing a scheduling model that takes into account the steel grade and temperature, and the lifetime limitations of the intermediate ladle due to steel uncertainty. In order to obtain a more efficient solution within a tolerable computation time, the NSGA-II algorithm is designed and optimized according to the characteristics of the problem, a multi-layer code is designed based on the furnace states, and furnace redistribution rules are introduced to obtain a feasible solution. Finally, the calculations are carried out on actual production data. The experiments show that the proposed furnace redistribution rule is effective for dynamic steelmaking-continuous casting scheduling considering steel uncertainty for continuous caster failures.
Keywords: Steel uncertainty; continuous casting failure; dynamic scheduling; multi-objective; NSGA-II