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 Analysis of existing subway structure by municipal engineering

李晏川 Li Yanchuan
(中铁第五勘察设计院集团有限公司  北京 100072)
 (China Railway Fifth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100072)
Abstract: Juhu Road station of Changzhou Metro Line 1 is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure with single column and double span, which is constructed by open cut method.The No. 3 entrance is an underground frame structure. Now it is planned to build a new Connecting port project between Juhu Road Station and Wujin Wanda Plaza, to establish a three-dimensional numerical model including the passageway, station structure and affiliated structure, to analyze the displacement of the new municipal passageway on the existing station structure and affiliated engineering.The research results show that the total displacement of the station is 5.147mm, the maximum vertical displacement of the entrance is about 7.442mm, and the maximum horizontal displacement is 1.548mm, all of which meet the requirements of the control index. In the excavation stage, the impact on the existing structure is most remarkable, so it is necessary to strengthen related protection and monitoring measures during construction.
关键词:市政通道 车站结构 附属结构 三位数值模型 位移变化规律 。
Key words:Municipal passageway; Station structure; Accessory structure; Three-dimensional; numerical model; Displacement change law


