Analysis of the influencing factors of frost heave force in cold region tunnels with high altitude
杨自强1Yang Ziqiang 1, 胥海洋1Yang Ziqiang 1, 文渊2Wen Yuan 2
(1.中交二公局第四工程有限公司,河南省洛阳市 471000;
2.河南理工大学土木工程学院,河南省焦作市 454003)
(1.CCCC-SHEC Fourth Highway Engineering Co., Ltd,Luoyang 471013, Henan, China;
2.School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454003, Henan, China)
Abstract: The freezing and swelling of fractured rock in tunnels in cold region with high altitude endangers the service life of tunnels, and it is important to grasp the basic laws of freezing and swelling of tunnels in cold region rock enclosures. This paper presents the deformation law of low-temperature fractured rock in tunnels in cold region under the action of freeze-thaw cycle, the mechanism of frost heave force generation; Analyses the factors influencing the magnitude of the frost heave force and summarize the current research status of the migration mechanism of fractured water during the freeze-thaw process. The research results show that the magnitude of the frost heave force is related to the mechanical properties of the rock mass, the initial water content of the surrounding rock, the freezing temperature, the geometry and spatial location of the surrounding fissures.
Key words: Tunnels in cold region; Frost heave force; Frost heave mechanism; Influencing factors