Analysis of the measurement data of the Surface Velocity Radar at Yichang Hydrological Station
曾令Zeng Ling,向娇Xiang Jiao,张鹏宇Zhang Pengyu,汤凌华Tang Ling
(长江水利委员会长江三峡水文水资源勘测局,湖北 宜昌 443000)
(Yangtze River Water Resources Commission Yangtze River Three Gorges Hydrology and Water Resources Survey,Yichang 443000,China)
Abstract: Abstract: In order to shorten the duration of the test, rush to measure the flood peak and increase the safety of the test, Yichang Hydrological Station introduced the surface velocity radar to measure the flow. In order to ensure the test accuracy of the surface velocity radar at the station and ensure the reliability of the test data, the station conducted a comparative test of the surface velocity rada coefficients, analyzed them, and drew some conclusions, which greatly improved the quality and timeliness of flood reporting, It fundamentally solved the problem of flow measurement and reporting at the measuring station affected by the project, improved the safety of hydrologic testers under ultra-high flood, and also promoted the development of hydrological information to a higher level of hydrological intelligence.
Key words: flow test; Emergency monitoring; Hydrometry; Surface velocity radar; Yichang Hydrological Station; Flow measurement